Saturday, August 11, 2018

4 Tips On Taking Great Kid Photos

Getting children to take pictures can be a daunting task. Especially, when there a few of them to deal with. From getting the right pose, to keeping their outfits intact, to breaking up quarrels. The challenge is to not seem like a dictator, but to be effective as well. We all must admit, that it's a thin line. Here are four tips to help you get to that perfect photo when dealing with children.

The first tip is to contain your kids physically in the frame. Try to put them in a closed location. Maybe a vehicle, decorated box, or something like a rectangular wagon. This is an great idea, because they don't have a lot of stimuli within their immediate surrounding areas. Energy flows where our attention goes. Kids are no different, when their energy is bounded or subdued, their more receptive to our instructions. The goal is to take as much pictures as possible, within that short-lived time period. Just be creative when trying to keep them close for a group photo. Make it fun and it'll be expressed within the shots.

Make It A Project
Make the photos session into a project that all of them, no matter the amount, can participate in. This will give them a sense of structure. They'll feel like they're part of something. Give each child a specific task to complete. This seems to work well with children under 5, they want their independence so bad, they'll obey your playful commands. At the end, they will get an opportunity to see their results. I would personally suggest doing a test run, so that they can see for themselves the whole magnitude of the photo taking process. Hopefully, this will inspire them to want to do more photos.

Another creative strategy is to persuade them. It could be with either a future gift, or an immediate gratification. This is probably the easiest way to motivate children (and some adults). The promise of a reward is always enticing. While taking the picture, a promise of maybe candy, or perhaps money is alluring to most kids. Keep them engaged and excited. Bribe your subjects not with just candy and sweets, but with opportunities. Things like, “Well, if you'll let me take a few more pictures of you, I'll let you wear my hat. Look right here for a couple seconds when I take your photo, then you can take my photo”. Drive them with things they get to do that empower them, make them feel excited. It's not a bad idea to buy a small bag of cheap toys. Remember, their attention span is very short. The photographer can't make them work for an hour before they get to grab something out of the bag. A few shots and a grab, and then they'll do a few more. They may look again, let them take it out of the bag. If they sit and do what you want them to do for a couple of seconds, reward them. Summit Shah has perfected this tactic of persuading, to get the perfect pictures.

You can also promise them with a disciplinary tactic. Maybe something of theirs will be taken away or barred from. Discipline seems to be a great motivating factor for obedience. It's funny how we become conscious and obedient when we’re threatened. At least, that was my mother’s tactic. Let me be honest, personally in my case, it worked.

These are just a few tips to getting some quality pictures from your kids. It can be daunting and challenging, but it's well worth the effort. Children don't stay little forever. But your pictures can last a lifetime.

Author Bio: Adrian Rubin is a stay at home dad and graphic designer.

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