Monday, July 30, 2018

5 Eco-Friendly Ways To Keep a Pet

Pet ownership is as popular than ever in the United States. A recent study noted that there are almost 90 million dogs in households across the country, and pet ownership in the U.S. has increased over 10 percent during the past 30 years. If you own a pet, you may be struggling to keep a balance of knowing the joy of having a dog, cat, or other pet while caring for them in a way that protects the environment as well. Fortunately, there are a few actions you can take that keep your pet and the planet safe.

1.      Keep Your Pets Indoors

Cats and some dog breeds are natural hunters and will stalk and kill animals if they are allowed to roam. This is especially true of male cats, which prey on birds, small mammals, and even large insects. Your cat can have a serious impact on the bird population in your area and leave it vulnerable to parasitic diseases from eating them. To protect your yard’s birds and your pets’ health, do not let your cat or dog roam freely and keep them in an enclosed outdoor area instead.

2.      Switch Your Cat’s Litter

Changing your cat’s litter box can cause air pollution from the smelly dust commercial litters often create. This residue may also affect your cat’s health, as it raises dust each time it uses the box. This issue can be especially troublesome if your cat uses an enclosed box. You can support the environment and improve your pet’s health by switching to wheat-based litter or shredded newspaper. Choosing a natural litter may take some time, as you might have to find one your cat prefers, but the change can be beneficial for it and your home’s air quality.

3.      Use Natural Cleaning Products

Bathing and cleaning up after your pet can be quite a chore, and you may be choosing the most convenient products possible to accomplish those chores. However, reviewing the ingredients in your pet’s shampoo, flea, and tick protection can be help you be kinder to the environment. Switch out your current shampoo with one that is biodegradable and contains natural ingredients, such as colloidal oatmeal and plant-based cleansers.

Protecting your pets from fleas, ticks, and mosquitos is probably another priority for you; however, sprays and collars might contain toxins that are harmful to the environment and other animals if they are not disposed of properly. Consider using sprays made of essential oils, such as peppermint, that repel biting insects naturally. These can be found in most pet supply stores and online.

4.      Conserve Water  

You may not think too much about water conservation when caring for your pets, but there are a few ways you accomplish this. For example, when you clean your pets’ dishes, do not leave the water running. Wash them in hot water with a gentle soap, then give them a brief rinse in a shallow pan of water.

When you bathe your pet, turn off the water as you shampoo instead of letting it run. If leaving it on is simpler for you, then make sure the water is being channeled somewhere useful, such as into your garden. The Cadiz Water Project Twitter page has more information on water conservation that may give you more ideas about how to save water.

5.      Choose Biodegradable Cleanup Products

Cleaning up after your dog while walking it in public is a must, but because plastic bags do not biodegrade, they can be harmful to the environment in the long run. Switching to containers that are made of biodegradable material can support your local ecosystem and make you feel more confident that you are doing your part to help the earth.

Owning a pet can be a joy and a big responsibility. However, using eco-friendly products and practices can ensure that your dog or cat stays as safe and healthy as the environment in which they live.

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