Friday, May 25, 2018

Planning the Perfect Kids' Birthday Party

Making sure your child’s party is one they will never forget can seem to get more and more difficult with each passing year. There is so much to consider from who to invite, should there be a theme, and should it be at home or somewhere else? Depending on your budget, and the age of your child, there are different elements to consider, and this helpful guide should begin to make the entire process a whole lot easier.

To theme, or not to theme?
This is one question that almost all parents will be asking themselves when planning a party for the child. One the one hand, a theme makes decisions much easier such as decorations, invitations, party plates, balloons and even the food and cake, but then you also have to consider if a theme will add undue expense and waste. Plain party accessories may be cheaper, even if they may not look like much fun, but then you may be able to find packs of themed partyware that would be less expensive than if bought separately. A theme needn’t stretch to the entire party, and it could be restricted to the birthday cake, and the costumes that the attending children wear. If you are stuck for ideas, to help you, or your child decide on a theme, a site like can be helpful, with its collection of fascinating facts about all manner of different people and events providing inspiration. Find more information at Fact Sd.

Food and drink
This is where some parents go wild, catering the party excessively. There is no need to provide many different types of food Find out early if any of the children have allergies or dietary requirements and of course cater for them, but the rest of the party food can be very simple. Pizza and fries with some vegetable sticks of cucumber, carrot and peppers and dips will suffice for the savory selection, and refillable jugs of two different soft drinks offers enough choice of beverage.  To save money, the birthday cake can be served as dessert along with scoops of ice-cream. If adults are staying with their children, you may want to provide some extra snacks and drinks, but again, there is no need to buy a lot of different snacks as this will undoubtedly lead to waste.

Who to invite?
This can be complicated, and may lead to children, and adults, becoming upset. However, if you don’t have the finances to invite all the children in your child’s class to the party, then you may have to inform your child that unfortunately only a select few of her friends can come. If you are planning to have a party with just school friends, ensure you tell your friends and relatives as early as possible and explain that this year it will just be school friends, or even just children of friends rather than the entire family. Having a separate party for friends and relatives is one way to keep the peace and prevents your home becoming chaotic from overcrowding. The birthday boy or girl will also enjoy having two parties!

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