Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Is A NYC Vacation Possible On A Budget?

If you ask people which destinations they want to see and experience, I’m sure that the majority will answer with New York City. It’s true that this city is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States but, unfortunately, that means that it is also a very expensive city as well. In fact, it has such a reputation for being such an expensive location for tourists, that some travelers are put off from visiting altogether, especially if they are traveling as a family.

Money shouldn’t be a reason to stop you going to NYC, though. In actual fact, it is very possible to enjoy a trip to NYC on a budget. You just need to remember the following tips!

Prepare Your Finances Before You Go

If your finances aren’t in such a good state, it could put a bit of a strain on your vacation. So, it’s a good idea to try and fix them before you head off to NYC. It’s worth checking the Debt Consolidation USA as they have lots of tips to help you get out of debt, and you could also see about consolidating your debt into one easy to handle monthly payment. It’s also worth paying off any credit card bills before you go as well. But be sure not to max out your credit cards again while you are away, as it will only put you in more debt.

Stay In An Airbnb

Hotels can be incredibly expensive in New York City. In fact, there are a lot of tourists who expect to pay a minimum of $350 per night! No way you and your family can afford that? No problem, you can just book an Airbnb instead. These are much cheaper than staying in a hotel, even if you want to book an entire Airbnb apartment to yourself.

Seek Out Free Entertainment Options

There are lots of free entertainment options in New York City, so you don’t always have to worry about paying for expensive tickets and passes into sights and attractions. For instance, some museums and galleries including the Metropolitan Museum of Art simply ask for an entry donation so you can give as much or as little as you are able to. Other museums, like the American Museum of Natural History are completely free.

Eat During Happy Hours

There are a few budget diners dotted around New York City, but the majority of restaurants and eateries can be quite expensive, especially if you need to feed an entire family. But there is one way around huge bills - you just need to time your meals so they fall into happy hours. Lots of bars and restaurants offer happy hours throughout the day, which involve a lot of deals and discounts. In some cases, you might even be able to half the standard restaurant bill by eating during happy hour.

As you can see, visiting New York City doesn’t have to completely bankrupt you. There are ways to keep it cheap!

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