Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Get Back On The February Fitness Train: 3 Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Be honest - how is your New Year’s fitness regime going? There are probably millions of people over the world who commit themselves to getting into shape as the new year begins, but by the end of January, the wheels have fallen off completely. And there are a few good reasons why.

In today’s guide, we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest weight loss myths out there and explain why you might have fallen off the fitness wagon by the end of January. And we’ll also discuss how getting onto the February fitness train - and staying on it - might be easier than you think. Let’s take a closer look.

Exercise is all you need

Myth number one is part of the reason why so many people fail to get through January with their new fitness plan. A lot of people commit to doing more exercise in the new year, but while this is good for your overall health, it might not be helping you lose weight. First of all, your diet needs to be looked at, as it’s a far better way to control your nutrition and eat less food. Secondly, once you start exercising more, you tend to put on more muscle, which is a denser material than fat, so could actually push your weight up on the scales - albeit temporarily. As you can imagine, it can be disheartening for people trying to lose a few pounds when they see their scales going up rather than down - but a combination of more exercise and controlled, realistic eating habits will work in the long-term.

Calories in, calories out

Another issue faced by people trying to shift pounds is the old myth that if you consume fewer calories than you spend, you will lose weight. The basic principle is correct, but it’s actually a lot more complicated than that. In fact, your body has a setpoint weight that is influenced by everything from your general lifestyle choices through to biological changes in your body. It is possible to lower your setpoint weight, however, and it’s why you sometimes see skinny people consuming pretty much any food they want without gaining a single pound. You need to look into four different areas - a permanent, healthy, and nutritional diet; proper, high-quality exercise with plenty of rest; lots of sleep, and removal of stress from your overall lifestyle. Yes, it might mean a considerable amount of change, but if you want to lose weight, focusing on your setpoint weight will do you more good than using the traditional ‘calories in, calories out’ method.

The cost of health food

Finally, many people quit their new healthy eating habits because they run out of money. It’s easy to see why - January is a tough enough month as it is, due to the post-Christmas financial blues experienced by many households. And when you look at the prices of some of the healthy foods at your local grocers, it’s fair to say some are eye wateringly high. However, healthy food is not inherently expensive. Look for cheaper cuts of meat, buy bulk packages of beans, pulses and frozen veggies, and avoid the marketing hype of the health food stores. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive in the slightest - so why not get back on the fitness train this February?

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