Thursday, January 4, 2018

4 Tips on Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle #Veganuary

Whether going vegan has been a resolution idea for you for some time or you’ve recently decided to sign up to the Veganuary challenge, this is a lifestyle and diet change that many individuals benefit from. Not only does veganism inspire many people to eat healthier and get more nutrients in their diet, it is also kinder for the environment and the only way of ensuring that your diet is completely cruelty-free. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can seem really daunting at first, but the good news is that today it’s easier than ever to become vegan with more and more people making the switch. Here are some top tips and ideas to help you kick-start your new vegan way of living.

Tip #1. Add to Your Diet First:

One of the main things that put some people off from going vegan is the amount of food that they won’t be able to eat as a vegan. However, don’t think about this too much, as it’s not all that bad. In fact, one of the best things about going vegan is the number of new foods and meal ideas that you will discover. With veganism booming in popularity, there are so many different recipes to try, whether you’re looking for food that’s healthy and nutritious or you want an indulgent treat. For example, this kale kimchi is a vegan take on the traditional Korean dish that’s full of healthy nutrients.

Tip #2. Get Social:

Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle on your own can be even more daunting, so it’s a good idea to find other people who are willing to do it with you, or team up with people who have been vegan for a while and will be able to provide you with advice on where to find the best vegan foods or their favorite vegan restaurants, for example. Social media is a great place to look if you’re hoping to find supportive vegans, with pages, events, and social media groups dedicated to this lifestyle. Don’t forget that there are also many avid vegan bloggers who can’t wait to share their latest news and tips with their followers.

Tip #3. Start Small:

If you’re used to cooking with meat and animal products, then going vegan can be an intimidating prospect. Thankfully, there are several ideas for quick, simple, and easy vegan recipes that anybody can make in no time at all. When you first start on your new vegan lifestyle, it’s a good idea to have a handful of quick and easy recipes that you can turn to when you’re stuck for ideas. Don’t forget that staples such as bread, dried pasta or noodles, rice, and vegetables are all vegan-friendly!

Tip #4. Don’t Stop Learning:

The more you know about veganism, the easier it will be for you to stick to your new lifestyle choice. Spend some time seeking out websites, blogs, documentaries, books, magazines and more that you can use to learn as much as you can about going vegan!

If you enjoyed these tips, we’d love to hear from you in the comments. 

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