Thursday, June 8, 2017

Great Careers for People Who Love Kids

If you love kids, and you can’t imagine doing anything but care for them, deciding to work with children might just be the best decision you ever make, and no matter what qualifications you hold or where you live, there are always going to be endless options enable you to follow your dream and spend your days with kids.

Here are just some of the great career options for those of you who love kids so much you want to work with them every day:

School Counselor

Most high schools have at least one school counselor to help young teens through the tough times in their lives, so if you’re the caring, compassionate type, and you feel like you could handle listening to kids’ problems and offering them advice, you might want to look into getting an online masters in school counseling, so that you can start on the path to being a real help to young people in need.

Social Worker

I’m not going to lie, being a social worker is hard work, and some of the things you see can be quite harrowing, but there are few jobs that are more worthwhile, and if you do go down this route, you will make a difference. You’ll be able to help homeless kids, foster children and young people who are suffering and have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve really helped people throughout your career.

Make a Wish Coordinator

The Make a Wish Foundation is a fantastic non-profit that helps make the dreams of terminally ill children come true. I honestly can’t think of many jobs that would be more amazing that being a Make a Wish Coordinator and organizing trips to Disneyland for children with cancer or helping sick kids to live their dreams and be a prince or a fireman for the day.

A Special Advocate

Kids who have been abused need to be looked after by caring individuals who can take care of them and help them to feel a bit better about themselves and the world while a safe home is found for them. If you have the space in your home and room in your heart to look after them during a difficult time, you should definitely look into becoming a court appointed special advocate.

A Sports Coach

If you like having fun with kids and you are good at a particular sport, you could really make a difference in children’s lives by giving them lessons. Sport is a fantastic way to bring people together, promote healthy living and help kids who might otherwise fail, to succeed in life. It can build self-esteem and help less academic kids to stay in school. It really is a great way to make money while making a difference.


Last, but by no means least, if you really love being around kids and you’re passionate about helping them to fulfill their potential and grow up to be happy, well-rounded adults, a career in teaching is just about the best gift you could give yourself and the children whose hearts you will touch.

Do you work with kids? What career path have you taken?

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