Thursday, February 17, 2022

Got a Spring in Your Step: Why Winter is the Perfect Opportunity for a Spring Clean

Many of us will think of spring as a great time to declutter our homes and give it that real deep clean. While I have to agree, I also want to explain why spring isn’t the only perfect opportunity for this kind of thing. Think about it, with only days leading up to Christmas and a new year looming, why wouldn’t you want to have a clean home ready to enjoy all the festivities ahead. Winter happens to be an excellent opportunity to get your home in order, especially as we spend more at home at this time of year. So I thought I’d share some of the easy ways and big advantages you can experience by giving your home that winter clean.


Start the decluttering process

Clutter. You can either love it or hate, but I bet most of us would admit that our homes have more stuff in them than we need. However, with Christmas matters are only going to get worse. Think of all the things you accumulate over the next few weeks ahead, not to mention the increase in drinks and food in your home. So now spells the perfect chance to declutter those cupboards and drawers. You won’t believe the difference it can make.

Make cleaning fun

Not many of us enjoy the cleaning process. It can be seen as an endless list of tedious chores to get through. So try and make the experience a little more fun and bearable. Set yourself a time to clean, and then once it’s up, you stop. Put your favorite playlist of songs on and dance around your home while making it sparkle.

Be prepared for unexpected guests

One of the biggest advantages you get from cleaning your home at this time of year is that sense of preparation when you get an unexpected knock at the door. It is the season of goodwill after all, but with a clean home, you have nothing to fear from the unexpected guest calling.


Don’t be ashamed to ask for help when needed

Who says a spring clean or winter cleanse needs to be done ourselves? There is no rulebook on the matter. But yet many women can feel ashamed of calling in a cleaning service to either deep clean their homes or even maintain it on a weekly basis. However, more people are seeing the benefit that maid services can provide. If you have a full-on schedule, then take some of the pressure away.

Start the new year as a way of moving forward

With the new year just around the corner starting it off with a clutter-free and clean home is a great way to continue. Decluttering your home is strangely satisfying.

Put a cleaning schedule in place

Finally, if you do struggle to maintain your home once you have it in order then why not introduce a cleaning schedule? This will help you retain the level of cleanliness in your home in small manageable jobs each day. As it is the start of a new year soon, it seems like the perfect opportunity to introduce one into your home.

I hope this has inspired you to pull out the dusting rags and cleaning products.

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