Friday, November 4, 2016

Things You Can Do When You're Feeling Blue

If you're having a bit of a hard time, it can be hard to lift your mood. When things go wrong, it's easy to get stuck in a rut and only look at the negatives. There is so much around you that can make you feel positive, though! It's the little things that can make a difference. By simply mixing up your routine and letting yourself have a bit of fun; you could completely change your frame of mind. You just need to cut yourself some slack and focus your energies on something super positive.

Watch something comforting

When you're feeling a little bit low, you need to put the serial killer documentaries away and watch something that will feel like a big hug. If you used to tune into Disney movie as a youngster, stick your favorite on and get cozy. If Gilmore girls is your thing, kickback and remember the good Stars Hollow times. If you like to be busy, you might, at first, feel like this is a waste of time. But it's essential you relax your mind.

Get your bake on

Not only will cooking something give you an enormous sense of pride, but you also get to eat it after. Trying new things in the comfort of your own home can be seriously soothing. The smell of a freshly baked cake is divine and sharing what you've done with other people will help you break the cycle of being quiet and sad. Treat yourself to a new cookery book and get baking!

Update your living space

If you haven't changed around your furniture in an age or you're a little tired of where you're living - a great idea is to invest in some new furniture. If you can't afford new furniture, a great idea is to visit and give yourself a little light update. Whether you opt for a more soothing light bulb wattage or you make a feature with a beautiful light shade; the change will really perk you up.

Make some moves

As tempting as it is only to stay in bed and watch Netflix, it's essential that you do get outside for some fresh air. Moving your body, even a little bit can't give you a new lease of life. If you have a dog, give it a little walk and if you can, get yourself to a relaxing yoga class. Moving around will get the blood pumping.

Enjoy your own company

Doing things on your own can be incredibly satisfying. You might not feel like doing it, but wandering alone with your thoughts can be very eye-opening and calm. If you've had a hard time of late, you might need the space to clear your head. If you don't want to go to the movies on your own, you could take a trip to the seaside or visit a museum. Give it a go; you might not regret it and it could do you the world of good.

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