Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Become The Hostess With The Mostess By Creating An Amazing Guest Room

For some, having guests to stay at our homes is a labor of love. Whether it's family, friends or complete strangers (for example, if you run a Bed & Breakfast business), it can be incredibly satisfying to see other people enjoying your home. Or, you could be completely at the other end of the spectrum, and find that hosting guests is very stressful! But however you feel about it, most of us have to do it at least a couple of times in our lives - and there are some very important things to get right. If you are expecting guests any time in the near future, you need to be prepared. Even if it's just family staying with you, it can be useful to have everything in place for your guests so that they feel welcome, and so that you're not spending all your time running after them. Here are some guest room essentials that you will need to make sure you don't overlook in order to be the perfect host.

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Access to their own bathroom

Having a long line of people all queuing for the bathroom in a morning is every guest's worst nightmare. Plus, chances are, it won't be entirely practical for you either! If you have a spare bathroom, offer this to your guests for their use only. They won't feel as much like a spare part that way, and it shows that you trust them with your home too. In order to make the bathroom truly guest-proof, however, you'll need to check a few things off your list. Even if the bathroom is really small, it's worth getting a guest bathroom vanity. This way your guests can put all of their toiletries in one place and it can mean less cleaning up for you too. Also don't forget to have a selection of towels they can use, and pop a brand new body wash in the shower for them as well.

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A tray (with tea and coffee)

Having a tray in the guest room shows that you haven't just shoved your guest into a room you're not currently using. It shows that the room is intended to house them and that you've thought carefully about what might make them feel more at home. You can buy instant coffee sachets to put in a pot on said try and always present a couple of clean mugs with various flavors of tea. If you really want to push the boat out, add on some candy for them to help themselves to.

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Everyone relies on technology these days, so having a room that doesn't cater for that means your guests might come into difficulties during their stay. Make sure that the furniture in the room is arranged so that all plug sockets are easy to access. If this isn't possible, invest in a long extension cord - they are a little unsightly but they will make everyone's lives a whole lot easier. Also, have a little sign made up that tells them the WiFi password. It's simple touches like this that will make you guests remember their stay with you.

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