Friday, September 30, 2016

Pack Travel: How Your Big Family Can Get Around on Vacation

When you travel with a large family, getting around can sometimes be a little tricky. It's fine if you have your own vehicle with you. It's large enough for everyone and has everything you need. But a lot of the time you don't drive to your destination. You might fly, take a train or even take a bus. And once you're in a new location, how do you get about without the use of your car? When there are more than five of you, keeping track of everyone can be a worry. So which method of getting around is best for your big family?

Hire a Vehicle

Your first option when you're on vacation is to hire a vehicle. As long as you can secure one large enough for your family, it could be a good option. However, before you choose it, think about how much you'll be traveling and how far. Two reasons to hire a car or minivan are if you're going somewhere inaccessible by other transport or you will be traveling a lot. If you're rented a villa and can only get there by car, it's best to hire your own. Otherwise, you could end up either isolated or spending a lot on taxis to go and do things. Hiring a car may also be a good idea if you want to do lots of exploring of the wider area.

Walk or Cycle

The healthiest option is to get everyone walking or even cycling. Many cities and smaller towns are very walkable. In fact, it's often best to walk in larger cities, because the traffic will be terrible. If you're thinking about walking around, you should consider a couple of things. Firstly, the age of your children. You might have a stroller, or you may have kids with legs that quickly tire out. If you're a family that normally walks, you'll be more used to it, and it might be more suitable for you. You can also consider renting bicycles to get around.

Public Transport

In cities with heavy traffic, public transport is also a good idea. You don't have to make the kids sit in the car for ages, and you won't have to either. Some cities, such as New York, have great subway systems that will get you where you need to go much faster. You should also look into buses and trains, both for short and longer trips. You can buy tickets in advance for buses using apps like the Shofur bus app. It's also possible to do for trains. So you can make sure you secure your seats even last-minute.

Taxis and Private Vehicles

If you're only planning on a couple of short journeys, a taxi or perhaps a private car could be the way to go. For example, you're planning to stay mostly within walking distance of your accommodation. But you want to go out for a meal a couple of times during your vacation, and that requires you to go further. If you choose one of these options, you need to be aware that it may be harder for larger groups. You might have to book in advance if you want one vehicle or use more than one car.

Don't let being a larger family stop you from getting around on vacation. Explore your options and find what suits your family.

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