Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How Virtual Reality is Changing Your Decor Design

Please enjoy today's guest post as I struggle to get my proofreading work wrapped up while also keeping my kids and their friends occupied before our staycation this long weekend for my 45th birthday and for Father's Day. I personally have zero imagination or vision when it comes to decorating, so I'll take any help I can get. Have a great rest of your week!

How Virtual Reality is Changing Your Decor Design 
You’d be forgiven for thinking you still need to draft a 3,000-word speech to explain to your interior decorator what your vision is for your design. Virtual reality only started revolutionizing the industry in 2016, but it’s changed everything. It lets you experience and tailor a vision for your home before it’s even built, let alone furnished. 3-D modelling has, until now, only been able to give you an impression of your evolving design that’s small enough to fit on your monitor. Now, virtual reality brings your fantasy to life.

More than a Photograph
Your floor treatments and lighting pull your entire design together, so no application can do much good unless it can build on what’s already in the room. 3-D software extrudes photographs into three-dimensional images, which means you can place your chosen furniture, MaestroBath fittings, and wall treatments into your rooms before they're fed into the virtual reality application. As you shop, you can upload individual items into that space, even getting an impression of new lighting should you change your window treatments. Because everything is to scale, you can rely on absolute accuracy.
As yet, virtual reality is an expensive solution, so only a few large retailers are experimenting with it. Other developers have been working hard on alternatives for those with more reasonable budgets.

Augmented Reality
Image Courtesy of

Virtual reality applications require you to wear goggles, while augmented reality functions out of a screen or, in the future, a pair of glasses. Rooms are modeled in the same way, to scale, and you are still able to wander around your house looking at it from all angles. The image on your mobile phone simply changes as though you’re looking through a camera.

Light and Hue
Image Courtesy of

Your palettes affect your design more than most other elements, but it’s far from uncommon to approve a color set that doesn’t quite work at night as well as it does when the sun’s rays are at their brightest. Your lighting and window treatments need to be selected according to both night and day, and this is where all augmented and virtual reality applications truly shine. They let you view what your room will look like at all times of the day. It’s imperative that you have an accurate impression of how color works early on so that you can adapt your lighting to suit your needs and preferences. This is something that a set of swatches simply cannot compare to.

Decorators and Architects Unite
With design communities being colossal in so many parts of the world, it’s difficult to get your architect and decorator in the same room with your contractors. 3-D modelling achieves this without requiring you to create a complex schedule. Each facet of your team simply works with the same software, building your design in layers.

The Race
Augmented reality will work best if it can be transmitted onto a pair of glasses far smaller than Google Glass, and Mark Zuckerberg intends on leading the race. In future, 3-D images will be scaleable to your preferences, and Zuckerberg hopes that augmented reality apps will cost a mere $1. The lenses will need to block out the external world so that you can see a clear image of your design details and hues.

The ability to communicate your vision with your decorator is key to being able to develop the interior of your dreams. With the help of technology, this is already achievable, but Zuckerberg predicts that large-scale virtual and augmented reality will eventually merge to achieve greater design ambitions.

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