Friday, May 6, 2016

The Kerrie Show Summer Reading List 2016 #SummerReadingList

I'm not gonna lie to you. Last year's summer reading list did not go well. Maybe because I chose all nonfiction and couldn't find any fiction to really dig into. Here were those. All worthy books, but I think I skimmed them and gave them all away. Dream Lovers was so depressing that I could not continue. The homeschool books didn't offer a lot of new info for me. Ask made me realize I want out of direct sales like YESTERDAY. We are thinking about moving STILL so I am trying to cut down on clutter and am using the library more for print books and free audiobooks and ebooks.

Here are the 8 I am tackling this summer and I'll check back in with a post about each one later on. Keep in mind audiobooks count as "reading" a book in my world ... you are still taking in the content into your brain. I have one of these books in print from the library and on loan as an audiobook from the library for free so I can switch back and forth when I'm going on a walk and need audio versus when I force myself to sit down and read a physical book.

  1. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman. Yes, this has been around a long time and, no, we have never read it. Aron and I saw it when we had our overnight date back in March and wondered which love language we each were. We knew we were not the Receiving Gifts one for sure but hmmm ... So I got the book and so far we have only taken the quiz at the back. We are hoping to have lazy nights on the porch checking out more of this book but, honestly, since we are both an 11 on Physical Touch, I think we are probably just fine. My second one is Quality Time, also not rocket science, but his second one is Acts of Service, so we should at the very least read THAT chapter so I know more what he would like from me other than just the basics of doing laundry, dishes, cooking, etc. **Did you also know there is a book for Singles and for Children about the five love languages?! Aron and I have pretty much figured out that each of our kids is a different one of the five!!!!!
  2. Seven Desires: Looking Past What Separates Us to Learn What Connects Us by Mark & Debbie Laaser. When we saw The Five Love Languages at the bookstore, Aron brought up this book he had also heard good things about so I also bought it post-overnight-date. The seven desires are: to be heard and understood; to be affirmed; to be blessed; to be safe; to be touched; to be chosen; to be included. Hearing a few of those really resonated with me and made me think certain things not only about being in a marriage but also about being a kid. For instance, to be included can mean being included in a mom's night out with friends you are getting to know and it can also mean being asked to sit at the lunch table at school for a kid.
  3. The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic: How Engaging 1% of Catholics Could Change the World by Matthew Kelly. I saw this on a table in our church entryway and normally don't go for religious books but I had to pick this one up. The four signs are: prayer, study, generosity and evangelization. Anyone who knows me knows I prefer to evangelize with my life and not by going after people to get them to convert to my religion. But I could be misunderstanding the word evangelization, which freaks me out for some reason. I picture used car salesmen.
  4. A Place of Yes: 10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life by Bethenny Frankel. This is an older book but I've always wanted to read it ever since I watched the author on The Real Housewives of New York City and there were episodes where she was talking about writing this book. I'm not sure I can get through this book since she's probably going to talk about the early days of wedded bliss and motherhood, when these days she is going through a horrid divorce. It just makes me kinda sad but I bet it's packed with fun advice.
  5. After Her by Joyce Maynard. I first heard about this author in the 1990s when she was writing raw stuff about her experience being pregnant and giving birth. While on our overnight date, Aron picked out a book pretty quickly but I had a lot of trouble. I checked out the new stuff and there was a Joyce Maynard book and I knew the name, but the new book was hardback and expensive. So I figured I would give Where Love Goes a shot, since it was the only one on the regular shelf I thought I might like. Loved it (heartbreaking story of divorced couple and what comes after, starting new relationships and what that looks like for the CHILDREN, which many parents SAY they are considering but really they are pretty much thinking with their LONELINESS and their sexy parts). Anyway, I was hooked on this author and happy to see she has written a lot more! This one is "a haunting novel of sisterhood, sacrifice, and suspense." Oh, and she wrote Labor Day, which became a movie that I saw and LOVED and it was NOT what I expected at all. So you get three links here and you're welcome!
  6. The Good Daughters by Joyce Maynard. See #5 and this one is about "friendship, family secrets, and the strange twists of fate that shape our lives." Good enough for me.
  7. Trim Healthy Mama: the easy-does-it approach to vibrant health & a slim waistline by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison (I also have the cookbook). I used to get a little magazine called Above Rubies that was full of inspiring stories from real women raising a bunch of kids, some homeschooling, some homesteading, and so much more. It was great to read about the struggles and triumphs of moms like me and unlike me. These are super healthy sisters and I'll have what they're having (which is stuff like collagen for your skin, hair and nails and joints and also a lot of other cool things I had not heard of).
  8. Quality Lesson Plans for Secondary Physical Education by Zakrajsek, Carnes and Pettigrew. My friend at coop (and Joel's Confirmation sponsor!) gave me this one because she was the coop gym teacher this past year and I will be doing it this coming year and, boy, do I need help. I'm not sure if my parents have stopped laughing about this development, seeing as how I was not exactly the best at sports growing up (severe understatement).
If you are a writer, parent or someone who EATS and are looking for something to add to your summer reading list, consider MY books, here, both of which are available as print books and in Kindle format ... AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO OWN A KINDLE TO GET THEM! You can "follow" me as an author on Amazon if you never want to miss an update or new book! Both are permafree on Kindle Unlimited (just $10 a month and you can read all you want!)

*Disclosure: I have put links to purchase books on this post and if you do purchase I might get a few pennies. Just wanted you to know!

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