Sunday, September 27, 2015

Powell Gardens Kansas City ... Made Our Hearts Sing ... Thanks, Tutu! #HalloweenGift

We got to go to Powell Gardens last week and it was AMAHZING! My mom gave us the money for it in lieu of Halloween candy and stuff she used to get for the kids when they were younger. Now they have plenty of toys and candy so she gives me money for some holidays so I can take the kids somewhere cool. Brilliant!

Here are some pics from our wonderful day out in nature. We could have pitched a tent and slept there; it's gorgeous! It's a bit of a trek from our house (45 minutes) but we packed up snacks in a backpack, grabbed some water bottles and headed out. We love going places during the week when nobody else is around. We are so spoiled by homeschooling ... hardly anybody else was there that day so we could just be our crazy selves.

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