Sunday, July 5, 2015

Runs/Walks in Kansas City: Longview Half Marathon November 14, 2015

Before I was the homeschooling writer mom of 5, I used to love to walk all the time as a stress reliever and to stay in shape. Walking is something you can do as a parent anytime, but now that my youngest is 5 and my oldest is 14, it's a lot easier for me to fit in time for my own fitness. Over the winter I walked some at the gym on the treadmill and track. Now I can walk the neighborhood or the field at the school by my house. I'm not a jogger or a runner yet . ... but might be someday! For now I walk in my OOFOS sandals because they are the most comfy thing I have ever worn and work perfectly for summertime.

What: The Longview Half Marathon

When: Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 8 a.m.

Where: Longview Lake, Grandview, Missouri

Fun facts: my uncle used to coach track at a high school in Lee's Summit for many years and my dad has taken up jogging ... it's in my blood!

Check the link (above after WHAT) for more info!

P.S. I get my info from the fabulous KC Running Company website.

On a personal note, here's my walking story for National Walking Day a couple of years ago with an update.

When you're all done, you'll be hungry! Grab a copy of my Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook and whip up a batch of happiness for dinner!

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