Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Friends' Etsy Stores: #CountryCatholic #PegAndBird

I am hoping that someday the Craft Bug will bite me. I would love to have something to do with my hands in social situations, like crochet blankets for NICU babies and grandbabies and all babies all over the world. I just like to be productive and do cool stuff but sewing is out of my realm and stringing beads would make me want to turn into the Hulk. So I leave that to my friends. Check out these two shops!

My friend Suzanne's Etsy store, Peg and Bird, where she makes a number of things, including Magnificat covers, but my favorites are her totes!

My friend Erika's Etsy store (I used to work with her husband back in the day before I had kids!), The Country Catholic, is the place for all things rosary and cool saint magnets!

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