Sunday, December 21, 2014

Leavenworth Virtual School December Field Trip to Crown Center

I got the little kids up early for this awesome field trip! We hit McD's for some breakfast on the road and headed down to Crown Center in Kansas City. Here are the highlights!
At The Coterie Crown Center to see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Lunch at Crayola Cafe

Eva and I love the white Christmas trees and had to get a shot with them

My 5 babies posing at Crown Center.

The play area always rocks

Joel is turning into Mr. Ice Skater ... at Ice Terrace

Eva and Samuel. He's wearing his Breathe Right strip he digs and Eva did not skate today.

Callie is Miss Ice Skater

Michael helping Sam along

Eva with me and Michael

Mommy skating swiftly by Samuel. Just kidding; I'm just posing; I only went around the rink like ONCE.
We got to meet Miss Aly and even the principal, Mr. Brinkman. We also met a few kids and parents and look forward to going on the next field trip. I wish we could make the Fun Fridays but they are an hour away and start in the morning ... if I want to do any homeschooling with my bigs I have to keep the littles asleep in the mornings. Maybe we can hit some of those in the spring after we are more on track and in the swing of things. The kids really like the virtual school Calvert deal ... and especially doing it through the Leavenworth school district. Who knows ... maybe we will even be moving closer to that area next year ...

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