Saturday, May 24, 2014

The McLoughlins Go on the Road Day One! #VacationInBranson at #CastleRockWaterpark

Last Monday, May 19, the 7 McLoughlins left for vacation! I did not take the laptop and I do not have a smartphone, so I was unplugged except for a rudimentary cell phone that only makes and takes calls. Go figure. The only time I was checked out as a parent was when I had my face in the book I'm currently reading (Blonde by Joyce Carol Oates). Here are some pictures from Day One! (Here are pictures of our room at Castle Rock Waterpark, which was free for 2 nights for us because I'm a little ole blogger; we paid for the other 2 nights)

Antsy kids pre-vacation Monday morning

Joel at Osceola Cheese





Mr. Kerrie

Mrs. Kerrie


Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield, Missouri

Feeding the giraffes. Or we say it GIRAVES

Baby giraffe born 3 hours earlier

Petting zoo

Mr. Kerrie's back hurt so he had to lay down some

The Naughty Kids outside the maze

The Naughty Kids by the monkeys. We say the monkeys are Sam's brothers.

Mr. Kerrie laying down again. Poor dude.



At Castle Rock Resort and Waterpark in Branson, MO

At the Mexican restaurant for dinner (El Azteca)

Us at dinner. Jesus was our waiter. Jesus wanted Mr. Kerrie to drink (above)

Samuel discovers skeeball and is now addicted.

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