Friday, April 4, 2014

My Jamberry Nail Wraps Consultant Kit Came!

Yesterday I went to Weight Watchers over lunch while Mr. Kerrie was home with the kiddles. When I got home there was a big gift wrapped in Christmas paper on the counter and the kids were so excited for me to open it. It was my Jamberry consultant kit!

The kids love anything that comes to the house in a box and loved looking at the samples and the catalogs and all the fun things! Here's me with my new kit! I won't inundate you here with Jamberry stuff, but you can go over to Kerrie Jamberry for that fun action.

Yes, Mr. Kerrie was like OH GREAT, one more thing my wife is doing. And I'm like, don't worry, one other business thing dropped off so this one is replacing it and it's just for fun ... I won't be spending millions on my own private stash of nail wraps so it's all good! I am like a Nail Prophet bringing the good news of nails that last 2 weeks instead of 2 hours!

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