Thursday, March 27, 2014

Runs/Walks in Kansas City: Mother's Day 5K May 11, 2014

Don't freak out on me here, but I am getting excited about exercising. I used to love to walk all the time as a stress reliever and to stay in shape. I want to share my excitement with you dear readers all over the world. Specifically, though, in Kansas City. I'll be posting upcoming walk/runs for 2014 as I find them. This does not mean I'll be participating in all of them, so don't show up expecting me to sign autographs or anything. I MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be there, depending on household funds at the time (it costs to enter a race), Mr. Kerrie's travel situation, my sanity level, etc. Enjoy the race info, and go out and find some in your town!

Check out the Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk for Women in Kansas City

Where? Corporate Woods

When? May 11, 2014 at 8 a.m.

Why? Because exercise is good for you and why not treat yourself to the Mother's Day gift of taking care of yourself?

Here's race day info and everything you need to know about this race

On a personal note, here's my walking story for National Walking Day a couple of years ago with an update.

When you're all done, you'll be hungry! Grab a copy of my Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook and whip up a batch of happiness for dinner!

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