Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Love Shopping for Retro Stuff!!!!

Okay, Aron and I got to go to a Liberty Ball at the Riverfront Marriott in Lawrence, Kansas over the weekend to support Aron's cousin, who is running for governor of Kansas on the Libertarian ticket. (did I say that right? it sounds too smart to come out of my mouth!).

Anyway, the night before I had gone downtown to the Crossroads District of Kansas City to support my friend Angeliina at her art show with my BACKPACK slung over my shoulder. It wasn't freezing, so I did not wear a coat. My coat options are a heavy Liz Taylor furry thing or my 13-year-old busted up Yale jacket.

Saturday morning I realized it was time for a coat and a purse, for gosh sakes. My mother would be so proud that I am, at the age of 42, recognizing a little bit of class.

So after Weight Watchers (I don't even attend meetings anymore; I just weigh in and leave with my head down) I trucked to Pete N' Repeat in Downtown Overland Park because I knew I would find what I needed there in about 5 minutes.

And I was right!

I literally ran in, asked where the black purses were, and the woman said she had just organized them! A cute Liz Claiborne caught my eye and $20 seemed fair so there you go. Then I ran over to the coats, checked the Medium rack, and found my new lover, a gorgeous gray pea coat for $45. You get the full effect when it's buttoned up, and rest assured I will post pictures of that fabulousness.

I never cared much for fashion but looking back I realize I've always had a certain kind of retro style. Always. Now I can really buy what I love and look like I stepped right out of the 1960s without spending a fortune to do so!

What's your style like?

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