Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy 47th Birthday to Mr. Kerrie: Aron McLoughlin

My husband is amazing. Today he turned 47 and he spent most of the day cleaning out the van with the kids and then later fixed my driver's side van window which broke a couple of weeks ago and would not roll up or down. 

Tonight I got him World War Z to relax to while the littles watch something cartoony on the laptop upstairs. I plan to SCRAPBOOK nearby (I know ... scrapbooking ... it's been a long time!).

Popcorn and mocha hot chocolate are also on the docket for the evening. AFTER he gets the van door put back together, poor guy.

Earlier we had homemade pizzas and then a blue suede cake that some guy named Duff has out. It was super yummy, actually and totally worth it. There's also a tie dye cake and a zerbra cake we will be purchasing. We put white cream cheese frosting on top, but I used food coloring to make it lime green.

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