Saturday, November 30, 2013

Emilia Delizia Tours: Something for Everyone!

It's no secret that I love to travel. So does Mr. Kerrie, as long as it's not for work and he can be with his family. One of our dreams is to travel the country by RV. Another is to go to Europe. He'd love to go to Ireland and Scotland. I'd love to visit Germany, where I was born. We both would love to go to Italy.

Oh, Italy. How I would fall in love with it. I mean, I already fell in love with it when I read Eat, Pray, Love,  but I want a deeper relationship. I want to go on food tours and wine tours and cooking tours in Italy. I want to really get to know it.

That's where Emilia Delizia comes in. They asked me to check out their site and let my readers know what I think about it and I have to say it is verrrrrrrry cool. Allow me to demonstrate using their infographic:

I am salivating just thinking of all this amazing food. Mr. Kerrie would think he had died and gone to heaven during a culinary or wine tour. And I would be in homeschool heaven going on production visits with the kids to see how things like Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar and Parma ham are made!

This site is EXTREMELY informative. Check out this post on truffle hunts! And EEEEEE! ... they can arrange Ferrari test drives here!!!!!!

I have to admit I went to this site and got lost in it for a long time. The Big Family Dream after moving to the country here in the USA is to start traveling to cool places like Italy. Guess I'd better get back to work on that best-selling ebook, huh?

You can follow Emilia Delizia Food Tours on Twitter here. And on Facebook here. But whatever you do, check out this site ... you won't be sorry!

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