Wednesday, October 9, 2013

He's Fishing in Heaven

Early this morning my first grandparent died. Now I only have 3. They are all exactly 84 years old. My parents are 63 and I am 42.

I am so grateful that I made the drive to the nursing home last night to go see him one last time. I talked to him some, but he was asleep, preparing to move on to a place where he can hear perfectly, he can fish all day, he can build houses if he wants to and he can watch over all of us. I told him it's okay to move on, it's okay to let go. I hugged him and gave him a big kiss. I told him the kids and Aron also love him. I told him it will be nice to have him watching over all of us.

Samuel's birthday was Monday, my cousin's birthday was yesterday, and my 15-year-anniversary is tomorrow. He picked a good day to die, right in between all these things and we will always remember him.

Here are some things I wrote about him about a month ago in case you're interested. Here are some photos of him during times before the Alzheimer's took over and then that brain hem started the fast decline.

Please pray for my family during this difficult time. He has 4 sons, 8 grandkids and 9 great-grandkids.
Aron and Poppy after Sam was born

Poppy and my dad on a fishing trip

Poppy, my dad, Uncle Tod and Joel

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