Monday, September 30, 2013

#Free #LEGO Monthly Mini Build!

I honestly don't know why I'm telling you about this because that just means more people in the dang line, which is long enough already. But I like to share, and if that bites me in the butt, so be it. My karma will be intact.

The first Tuesday of every month LEGO stores do this thing called a free monthly mini-build. They give you a little package which contains all the pieces to make this tiny creation in the store. You don't grab it and go, people. They want you to build it there, fueling your already obsessive love of LEGOs and then peruse the other LEGO offerings in-store then go home $200 poorer.

But I digress. Here's what the boys and Callie build in July after their dad stood in line for a century. Sorry it's so tiny; blame LEGO because I got this off their site. It's a crab, people.
Here's what they built in September (we missed August and September): (it's a pirate)

If you miss one, you can download instructions for how to build it at home, but sometimes your kid might not have all the pieces. Bummer.

So when Michael kept asking about going again, AND MICHAEL NEVER ASKS FOR ANYTHING, I decided I was going to make it happen. It might entail paying a sitter tomorrow while I go stand in line with the 2-3 oldest kids, but I'm going. I'm camping out at the LEGO store so we can get that dang mini build witch, so there!

So here's the link to check these out in the future. Find your store to find out the exact times and all that.

See you in line! I'll bring the wine! (hey, that rhymes!)

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