Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Perfect First Aid Kit Suitable For Many Different Purposes

The following is a guest post by Danielle McAnn, and it's great information for summer or anytime!

Picture yourself in a life threatening scenario. Who will come to your aid? Paramedics, fire fighters, police?

The reality is not quite like the one depicted in Hollywood blockbusters. What’s more than likely is that you’ll need to call upon your own First Aid Management skills. Because it’s basic first aid that so often spells the difference between life and death, between inconsequential and catastrophic injury. Equipping yourself with a good, multi-purpose first aid kit is one of the more practical gestures of love you can extend toward your family and loved one’s (and yourself).

The perfect first aid kit should see you through many different scenarios. Insect stings and bites, for instance- not the stuff that disaster pictures are made of, but far more likely and extremely painful. To tackle these sorts of injuries, crepe bandages of varying sizes, micropore tape, sting relief and scissors should be part of your kit.

Families will need plenty of materials on hand to combat the litany of cuts, bruises, and falls that are par for the course in childhood. Be sure that your kit includes plenty of bandaids, ice packs, alcohol swabs and burn aid sachets. You’re also well advised to do a course in CPR, which is of vital importance for heart attack victims.

Without a good first aid kit at your disposal, you may as well be a sitting duck. One for the car and one for the home should provide adequate peace of mind. Think carefully about what kind of mishaps you’re most likely to encounter, and choose the materials for your kit accordingly. Don’t let a minor injury become something more serious just because you forgot to buy a first aid kit.

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