Monday, April 29, 2013

Saving My Family Money ... or Not (Be Mindful!)

Okay, so I have a ton of giveaways coming up Wednesday, so this will be the last post written all about moi for a couple of days before you have to get busy entering giveaways for awesome stuff like a $300 American Girl Doll gift card, a $115 Hyland's starter kit, a Gotz Doll and a SURFACE PRO computer! These all hit on May 1, MAYDAY, MAYDAY!

So for today enjoy the non-musical stylings of some stuff I save bank on (and what I used to spend when I was not saving money):

I used to spend $4 for a box of 5 packages of 2-point Weight Watchers chocolate drizzled crisps. I found these at Aldi ... 6 packages in a box for also 2 points and only $2.

At gymnastics they have a Naughty Vending Machine. Sometimes when I am being lazy and think I am rich, I will give each kid a dollar to buy something like these below. Actually, EXACTLY these. So I would spend $5 for 5 of these. At Aldi, I spent $1.19 for a box of 6.

Sometimes my quick breakfast is an Aldi Fit and Active protein meal bar. The chocolate peanut butter ones taste like a Whatchamacalit bar! They go for about 66 cents a bar, which is not cheap, but if you pair it with a piece of fruit it makes for a decent breakfast.

What do you save money on? I don't save money enough. Sometimes I'll pay $9 for 6 corn dogs at Sonic when I could have Joel run into the store and pick up like 4 TIMES that for the same price! And then I wonder why we don't have any money despite my husband's decent salary! I have to really think before I spend!

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