Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Your 6 Most Favorite Places

My friend Angeliina of Modern Art Announcements just gifted me with this amazing print. She told me to pick my 6 favorite places and my husband and I could only think of 5 so then I just had her put our last name at the end.

San Diego is where Aron and I honeymooned and where my parents and I went in 1977. Aron and I went back in 2008 when we had 4 kids and currently we are saving up to go again.

New England is where we went in October 2000 for 2 weeks. Aron is from Connecticut. We found out when we got home that I had been pregnant with Joel the entire time.

Grand Lake, Colorado is where we went in 2010 with all 5 of our kids and had a great time.

Phoenix is where we went in 2008 with 4 kids for 3 weeks. We had also gone for 5 weeks in 2002 when we had Joel and I was pregnant with Michael. Someone in my family thought I was nuts to do this, to travel with a kid while pregnant. Now it's still no problem with five!

Kingfisher Bend Ranch is where we stayed in Wyoming for 5 weeks in 2012 and is what has inspired us to try to do some remodeling, save some money and move to some land while our kids are still young enough to care.

I think the next one I will have her make will have the names of my 5 kids, then McLoughlin.

What would your print say? These are only $13 and you get to keep the file to do anything you want with. You can print it and frame it. Use it as a scrapbook page. Get creative!

Thanks, Angeliina. It's always nice to have a super creative friend!

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