Monday, August 27, 2012

Review of Dr. Max Powers Stretch Mark Intensive Treatment

This is what I love about my little side job of blogging and reviewing: I get cool products to try out and then I let you know what I think of them ... honestly.

Alrighty, so we all know I have five children. That's five full-term pregnancies, folks. That's five nice, normal, healthy pregnancies where I gained an appropriate amount of weight with each kid, give or take 10 pounds! I've had nurses tell me I don't have very many stretch marks for having so many kids, but they are still there. You just have to smoosh my stomach around below my belly button and you will find them. I did take a BEFORE shot, but for a change I ain't sharin'. Let's just say I'm not at my fighting weight.

So of course I applied to review this product. Below I pasted how the product website bills this cream ... more of something for weightlifters who get stretch marks on their arms and shoulders than for preggies and post-preggies, but I figured it was worth a shot. I'm not convinced that a stretch mark is a stretch mark is a stretch mark ... a little stretching on the arms slowly over time is maybe not comparable to a belly stretching over weeks, then doing it again a couple of years later. But what do I know?

From the product website:
This treatment is designed for those who are prone to stretch marks on upper arms and shoulder areas. The cream has been formulated to provide nutrients and vitamins to skin that promotes elasticity and collagen to prevent and reduce the appearance of these stretch marks associated with increases in size.

Weightlifters may experience stretch marks due to the over stretching of skin leading to a breakdown in elasticity. A scar forms on the skin leading to what is commonly known as a stretch mark. Striae is the medical term for stretch marks caused by a sudden change in the size of the body, such as pregnancy, rapid muscle bulking, or adrenal gland disorders. While most of the marks are permanent, there are ways to reduce and prevent them from occurring. 

Okay, so I gave it a shot over the course of a few weeks. I didn't apply it three times a day like it said to do for my kind (breeder), but I was applying it at least once a day. It did seem to somehow lighten my stretch marks. If I'd had breast stretch marks from being pregnant and nursing, I would've used it there, too, but I don't have that particular variety. In the interest of TMI, I do have stretch marks on my hips from growing too fast when I was like 12-13 years old, but I didn't try the cream there, either. At the price of only $14.99 for the jar, it's really worth a shot. Besides, you need to be moisturizing your body anyway.

So ... I recommend this for PREGNANT WOMEN ... preferably pregnant for the first time and in their first trimester. It's the same cost as some of those other tummy rubs for pregnant women, and it's ORGANIC and smells good and rocks. And it's in a 2-ounce container, so you can carry it with you and put it on whenever you want.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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