Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Dinner!!!!

So I got home last night from a 4-hour playdate that was also a meeting about homeschool field trips and the potential of another homeschool group co-op. I took 6 kids and when we got home it was dinnertime. Kids get hungry, I was hungry because I was too busy yakking with my friends to eat lunch. Did I mention my husband has been out of town for almost 3 weeks? Then I remembered that I had a $40 gift card to try out and review. PERFECT TIMING!

How easy could it be, though, right? If I want delivery, I usually have to dig out old menus and then tally up how much it will be and try to figure out a tip and all that. I am telling you saved my night! It was so easy, too! I  just went to, entered my address, and immediately two of the best Chinese restaurants popped up. I'm in Kansas City, so we don't have a lot of delivery options, but I'm sure in bigger cities you'd have more choices for restaurants.

So I clicked on one of the restaurants and a menu popped up! And all I had to do was click on each item to order it and it added it to my cart and to my total. I also had the option of inputting special instructions, such as "no onion" or "no MSG." This also gave me the option of ordering a larger container of egg drop soup and a larger container of fried rice.

Then there was the total. All I had to do was enter the gift card code and it took $40 off the total. Then I also had the option to tip 10%, 15% or 20% and it calculated it for me and added it to my total. I got a ton of food for 7 of us and only paid $10 plus tip. Oh, and I paid it all online with a debit card so I didn't have to scramble to write a check. When the food came, we just took it and ate it!

A gift card would be perfect for someone who is homebound or just had a baby or who has a baby in the NICU and the last thing they want to do is cook. This is a great gift for a bachelor or bachelorette who doesn't love to cook (that was me once!).

My husband is out of town often and when he comes home he does not want to eat out. is going to be perfect for those times when I am too whooped to think about feeding a nutritious dinner to my kids. We all love Chinese food, so it is great. Can I suggest Jimmy John's sign on with, please? And all the pizza restaurants, like Pizza Hut, need to also take cards as payment.
HAPPY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!

My dinner!
I give 5 kids out of 5, my highest rating.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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