Wednesday, February 8, 2012

They Call Me ... The Laminator

Finally broke down and got a laminator! We've been laminating Pokemon pictures I've gotten them off the internet and then we put magnetic tape on the back. They play with their creations on the fridge and on our steel back door and on the commercial freezer in the basement.

I'm thinking this is a great way to make cheap decorations for parties ... laminated pictures of balloons, the number the birthday kid is turning, pictures of cakes, etc. The sky is the limit!

What do you like to laminate?

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking they should call you "The Laminatrix." It just is more... fitting. lol

    We used the laminator for maps in homeschool (use dry erase marker with or as subject divider). Also for PECs pictures. :)


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