Saturday, January 28, 2012

Positive Thinking, Deflecting Crap

One day I got sick of being negative in my mind about some people who have been actively trying to be detrimental to my family's life. Sorry for the big crazy words, but I have to be careful what I say here and how I phrase it.

So I decided to write some words on our deck that everyone could see. Isn't living well the best revenge? And we are truly living well, we are happy, we have a good marriage, we have health and a great family and everything we need. We need to be grateful.
Later I added PRAY and LEARN. We live on a busy corner and it's my hope that people walking or driving by can see my inspirational words. Being mean and negative back to someone is what they want. They want you to wallow with them. Don't do it! What words would you add to my deck or write on your own?



    Good post, great reminder!

  2. SPACE BUBBLE. Promise yourself a good space bubble from toxic people wherever possible. :)

  3. Forgive (both yourself, and others) :)


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