Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Legalization of Cannabis, Pot, Marijuana, MaryJane

Here's a lovely post for a Sunday morning. Totally appropriate.
So a friend of mine who has never smoked pot before asked me if I ever had and would I ever? I said I think I tried it once when I was 17 but it didn't "take". Knowing me, I didn't do it right most likely. Or else I was around so much of it growing up that I'm immune!!!!!!

Sidenote to this rambling post: I'm not trying to throw my parents under the bus here. I'm not giving details, if you will notice. I am saying to always keep in mind that when you do something, you are part of your kids' story now, good or bad or indifferent. Sure, someday I might write a memoir just for fun and there will be things in there about my childhood that were not rosy. BUT 99% of my childhood rocked, and I know MANY people can't say that. That being said, I realize that I have FIVE little people who might someday talk smack about my parenting skills or even write about me. Might? Who are we kidding? They will. And I get it.

So I said to my friend when she asked if I would ever do it ... well, I kindof yelled at her, I think. I go:

"Is it legal? Then NO, dummy! If you have kids and a life and you do something illegal you are STUPID and SELFISH." My poor friend won't let me live it down that I have called her stupid in advance. I'm just saying that my kids and my husband mean TOO MUCH to me to be doing something like that, something I could go to jail for.

There are people I know who think that I think that I am the most amazing mother ever and they are just waiting to take me down. I do NOT think I am the most amazing mother ever. And I will NOT be doing pot. I rarely, rarely drink. I don't smoke. OK, maybe I speed sometimes in the mommyvan when we're late to a kid activity, but I probably won't go to jail or lose my kids over that. Until pot is legal, I ain't doin' it. I ain't supportin' it. If you whip out a joint in front of me, I'm outta here. PLUS, I think it kills brain cells, and my kids have already taken enough of mine. I can't afford to lose the 2 I have left!

AND, all I need is for something to happen to one of my kids and I drive them to the ER and I'm asked what happened, and I'm like, "Uh, well, I don't really know, dude, you see, cuz, like, uh, I'm totally baked off my butt, hee hee he eeee, got any munchies?" There's a reason they call it BAKED: you are frying your brain, dummy! Well, maybe. Jury's out on that one because I know people who have done a LOT of pot and they are totally smart and with-it.

Another friend of mine is active in the campaign to legalize cannabis. Cool. Why not? Porn is legal and it's tearing apart marriages daily. Alcohol is legal and we have drunks all over the place wrecking cars and lives. Cigarettes are legal and people are still giving themselves and their children lung cancer and lowering their immune systems. Prescription meds are legal and people are checking out every day on those. The world is a freaking mess. I'll stick with my chocolate and coffee, thanks very much, morons!

Discuss amongst yourselves and in the comments section of my bloggy. Have fun, potheads!


  1. Love this post! As usual, you totally rock Kerrie! I've tagged you in a Random 11 post on my Come check it out and play?

  2. Welllllll.... couple things. Yes it is illegal, but unless you are selling it it isn't usually much more than a warning or a $50 ticket in Missouri. So you aren't going to go to jail for it per se. Most parents who still choose to smoke pot aren't necessarily selfish, they are just willing to take the risk of paying a fine to be able to smoke it. Some parents who smoke it do so for medical reasons. For example. Take the mom who has fibromyalgia. She can't sleep well through the night because of pain, she can't be active with her kids through the day because of pain, she is dull mom. Because of pain. Say this mom doesn't have insurance, or doesn't want to put prescription meds for fibro in her body because of all the nasty side effects. So this mom chooses to smoke a small amount of marijuana when the kids aren't around. She never keeps more than what is going to cause her a fine, if she gets caught. That mom isn't being selfish, shes choosing to do what she can to manage her pain so she can be the kind of mom that has fun with her kids. You have to get caught with quite a bit of pot for it to be enough to get arrested for it. I think, if you smoke responsibly, not around your kids, in small amounts and you don't drive on it then it isn't a big deal. Now don't be bringing back a pound of the crap on your family trip to Colorado (where its legal) obviously.


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