Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kids at Funerals

Would you dare take 5 kids ages 10 and under to a funeral? I did just last week. My great uncle died, and he was one of 5 children himself and was one of the funniest people I had ever known. I pictured him in Heaven laughing at the antics of my kids as I chased Sam around a puddly parking lot at the funeral home.

I was holding up well until the military played "Taps" ... then I lost it and was grateful for my prescription sunglasses and the fact that the little ones had to be in the van and so I was away from the crowd as I cried. Then when the flag was folded and handed to my wonderfully ornery great aunt, I lost it again. Imagine 68 years married to someone culminating in a US flag being handed to you and 3 shots being fired.

I hugged my dad with extra fierceness and hugged all my uncles and my grandpa as well. I think I hugged everyone and held them tight.

There was a lunch after the funeral at the church my family attends. This is a church where I grew up and went with my grandparents when I would stay with them on weekends. My parents were married there in 1970. It was where I decided I'm not a fan of church nurseries because I remember being scared out of my mind to go stay with kids and adults I did not know a few Sundays a year.

Please take a moment and consider helping out somewhere. I never thought about how wonderful food tastes after sorrow, and certainly never considered that there was a team of wonderful women cooking it all and serving it to mourners. I'm pretty sure someday I will be a woman cooking food for post-funeral luncheons because it's something I've appreciated several times.

Melburn, you will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, I'm so sorry. :( Funerals are so sobering to me because it reminds me how temporary our life is here on earth. It's scary sometimes. I've only been to one post funeral luncheon before but I didn't know the person.


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