Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Sixth Child is a Toshiba Laptop

Or, if you count my surrogate daughters Jordan and Reever, this is actually my EIGHTH child. My sixth child is ...

A Toshiba laptop.

Yep, I put birthday money together with some writing money and made the leap. I'm at McDonald's right now eating fries and informing you of this big event in my life.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, no, I am not pregnant.

Thank you to everyone who gave me birthday money to buy this wonderful material item I have been dreaming of for a long time. No longer am I "chained" to my desk at the house. I can work on articles while I homeschool at the dining room table, outside, or even in bed!

Still no Internet access at home, but at least now I'll be taking my very own computer to Starbuck's to post blogs and submit queries and articles. I am grateful and thrilled.

P.S. I had an amazing birthday ... Aron threw a BIG bash complete with DJ, Mexican catered food and 1970s theme ... I have to post photos of THAT because my husband wore tape-on black chest hair and a 'fro AND rented me my dream car ... a red Mustang convertible ... for the weekend! I love you, babe!


  1. Wow, that's great!! I LOVE having a laptop and remember not having internet at home. I would escape to McDonalds so I could blog. I'm so happy for you!

  2. Toshiba McLoughlin. Needs a middle name.


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