Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Focus on the Family Welcome Center in Colorado Springs, CO 2010

Our last day in Colorado Springs we went to the Focus on the Family Welcome Center. We had so much fun! They had a 4-story slide that the boys enjoyed. And I ran into a homeschooled kid who was working at the soda shop by choice. Her homeschooled sister and brother had all kinds of college degrees, but she was finding herself and hanging out at a J.O.B. for a while, which is admirable. We don't all want to go to college, people!  Nor do we need to. So all you haters out there who wonder how Aron and I can afford to pay for college for our growing brood, you can bite me.  Each of our kids has a savings account, thank you very much, and they will continue to add to it not only from current chores, but also in the future when they are babysitting and mowing lawns.  Then they can use it for college or to start a business or whatever.

We had a fun time there and then dropped some serious cash at the bookstore. Really, when do I EVER shop?  Let me have my fun buying Adventures in Odyssey CDs and books like Dobson's new Bringing Up Girls.

P.S. Happy birthday to my god-daughter, who I know doesn't read this blog (she's smart!), but I want her to know I'm always thinking of her on her birthday and that I love her very much. She is one cool kid.

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