Friday, December 20, 2019

Toothpick Stuck in Foot

Originally posted February 12, 2010

Last Friday I stepped on a toothpick and got half of it stuck in the heel of my foot. Since I have to post so far in advance (no Internet at home), I could be dead right now, could have a toothpick cut out of my foot, or could have it still in there. It's a cliffhanger for sure.

Anyway, in my internet travels I came across this site, and I can't make this crap up. It is some priceless humor and grammar! 

Updated 12/8/2018: I see this post in my Top Posts feed, which makes me laugh :-) I have to wonder if a lot of people are having this problem or are maybe searching "toothpick erotica." YIKES.

Here's what happened: I was too big of a baby to let anyone dig it out or to do it myself so I put on Neosporin, slapped on a Band-aid, and waited overnight. When I took the Band-aid off, the toothpick LITERALLY slid out of my foot by itself.

Voila. Something to be said for being a big old baby.

I can't tell you how many times since then I have found toothpicks on the floor. Life with kids.

Here's a photo of my husband making fun of the toothpick in my foot. There was huge drama around this situation, friends. Don't worry, it's only ketchup.


  1. Um, yeahhh, it's sort of not very appetizing online erotica, too, with all that "puss." Though I have to wonder at the physician discussed... there's this big chunk of toothpick they never got out?? Eeew.

  2. I think the morel to this story is to keep the toothpicks in the cupboard and off the floor.....

  3. I have stepped on one too..No fun!! Fish hooks aren't either

  4. A few years ago I sat on my daughters chou chou dolls bottle, she left it in between the couch coushions. I sat down and it stabbed my leg near my bum and needed three stitches. Hope your foot is ok.


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