Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yes, I Do Have Other Kids Besides Sam

Eva (aka Plumpie) pursuing her new pastime: looking at scrapbooks from back when I had time to scrapbook

Joel is a huge help, holding Sam for me so I can do miscellaneous chores (like eating bon bons in the bubble bath and running out for smokes ... ha ha)

Sorry for the sideways Callie (all made up) with her baby brother

Michael with his prized Glo-Doodle, Aron pontificating in the background

I hope you've enjoyed this edition of "Yes, I Do Have Other Kids Besides Sam".

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Loved this post. You sure have a house full of little beauties.
    I thought I was the only one who ate bon bons all day. LOL>.
    I don't run out for smokes..but I will run out for some chocolate when I'm in that mood.


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