Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm Still Alive ...

Aron went back to work last week and took the Lovely Laptop with him, so posting has been sparse. He brings it home every night, but uses it for ... actual work til like midnight every night.

I've been also lost in the land of Cub Scouts, Halloween, thank you notes and completing our Passport to Adventure (you go 15 places out of 22 in KC and get a stamp at each place like on a passport ... then the kids each get a "price package" in the mail).

I've also been lost in Rich and Famous Land since I sold my 10th e-book ... I know ... VERY impressive. I'm headed for Oprah any day now.

Anyway ... I'm slowly working on more blog posts that don't revolve around pregnancy or baby brain. I have a particularly compelling one about tacos that I just have to somehow get off my home computer and onto a thumb drive and then onto the laptop. Sheesh. So don't give up on me, Bloggy Friends.


  1. Kerrie, you know I didn't think anything was wrong. I just thought you were very busy with the new baby now that he is home. You are on my Dashboard, and so when you post, I will know.


  2. Hey, 10 e-books is 10 more than I've ever written! Congratulations on that feat! In ADDITION to 4.5 kids? Nothing short of amazing, hon. Great job.


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