Monday, September 28, 2009

Nuts, Part 2

Our kind neighbors took on my 3 oldest kids the other night while Aron was out of town so I could have some peace while the baby slept on me and I watched Madmen.

After an hour I hear the neighbor girl crying. I investigate.

She tells me that Joel threw a walnut at her and hit her in the head. Then she slipped on something and fell down.

Joel says, “She told me to throw walnuts at her. We were playing circus.”

I asked, “If she told you to shoot her in the foot, would you do that?”

And ya’ll wonder why I don’t think kids under the age of 12 should be left home alone, let alone left to care for younger siblings.

Maybe when my own kids are grown I’ll be a lobbyist for laws like that. By then I’ll have all kinds of good stories to share with Congress.


  1. Yeah, when your kids are all grown, they can't take them away for telling them. LOL

    Hey, did you hear the craziness that Obama wants ps kids to go to school in the summer? That guy is nuts.

  2. If you go into politics, you'll have to hire me as your "cleaner" for when you get in those verbal fights.

    Mrs. C? Hadn't heard that latest round, but if he does his homework, he'll see the Japanese school model was already tried in the Los Angeles Unified School District. My cousin was a teacher in the district at that time and the outcome was not ideal.

    If his goal is to educate kids, get on the parents who aren't involved in the process. If his goal is to keep them off the street and out of trouble, again, get on parents, but enact funding to better support organizations that are struggling like the Boys and Girls Clubs.

    Maybe I'm Utopian in my view, but I think the difference with all of us that are fans and friends of Kerrie is we are not "absentee" parents who see Cartoon Network as a good nanny.

  3. No, Sean. I am a responsible parent and have Spongebob on DVD. Saves on cable costs. :]

  4. But the difference is Mrs. C, you are still in control. You have to put the DVD in and it doesn't go to Adult Swim after 9 PM.


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