Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Homeschool Lady Griping About the School Carnival

The public school across the street had their carnival earlier this month, and of course we went. I always feel weird going there, though, since we homeschool. But 500 kids go there, and all the parents can’t possibly know each other AND all the kids who attend. So here are my reflections on the event:

1. Why the hell was Time Warner Cable there assaulting me? I told them over and over that we have no cable and no Internet and have no intention of getting them and they looked at me like I’d just flipped them off. So to get them off my back I told them it was my husband’s fault and that I’d call them and order cable and internet if he dies. Then I told my husband to watch his back.

2. Why don’t schools, who are supposedly suffering financially, recycle soda cans? This will be explored further in another post, when I have time to make some phone calls. And don’t get me started on all the stuff they throw away or recycle … expensive workbooks and textbooks that I find in the bins. Yes, I AM a dumpster-diver.

3. There’s no “e” after the “t” in “inflatables”. Somebody tell this to the person who made the signs because it annoys those of us who can spell. It's a school. Represent.

4. Some neighbors approached us about giving us their wooden bunk beds that are just sitting in their garage. YIPPEE! Someday the girls will have a FREE place to sleep (when we boot them out of OUR bed, that is).

So those are my deep thoughts. Rare these days, I know.