Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Hate When They’re Right

Me: Joel, how many episodes of Tailspin are left on this DVD? Because if there are only a couple, we’ll just start school once it’s all over.

Joel: I don’t know.

Me: Really? You loaded up the DVD and it shows how many episodes are on it and you had to choose the episode you were on from last night. You don’t know how many are left?

Joel: I don’t know.

Me: What would you say if God asked you?

Joel: He wouldn’t ask me because He would already know.


  1. Hi Kerrie! Great blog! Welcome to MBC!

  2. Aw, snap!

    You're going to have to up your mental game, sister. Writing you a 'scrip for mocha in IV form.

  3. Too too funny! Sometime you just have to give in. Great sharing post.
    Roberta Anne

  4. Smart ass is more like it. Don't know where it comes from.


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