Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Bagelful Babysitter

YES! Two food posts in a row! I am the size of the average American woman (forget you, Janice Dickinson!), which is a size 12. I am happy this way and like to eat food and keep it in my stomach! If I ever lose weight, it’ll be because I am too busy with kids and writing to concentrate so hard on chocolate and other carbs, so don’t send me hate mail if I ever turn up as a measly size 8.

Currently I am in love with Bagelfuls. I can’t even tell you who makes them because the kids and I ate them so fast and recycled the boxes already. I dream about them at night.

1. The kids can pop them into the microwave themselves, and they (the Bagelfuls, not the kids) heat up in only a few seconds.

2. They are only about 4 Weight Watchers flex points, so they are great for a dieting chick, if you are so inclined.

3. They are great for times when you need a grab-and-go snack or meal.

Flavors: I tried original (regular bagel with plain cream cheese inside), strawberry (regular bagel with strawberry cream cheese inside) and blueberry (blueberry bagel with plain cream cheese inside). They all rock, and I hear there’s also one with chive cream cheese!

Environmental Cost: I recycle the box, but each Bagelful is in its own plastic wrapper.

Money Cost: At $2 for 4, I know it isn’t the cheapest thing, but I love how easy they are. Anything that gives me a few extra minutes at the computer is worth it. It’s like a babysitter in a box … okay, not really. I’m sure the Grocery Goddess can tell me where to find a coupon for Bagelfuls, so we’ll all be waiting for her to post a comment.


  1. That sounds like a bargain to me! I consider the cost of at-home convenience foods versus what I pay at the drive-thru (include gas!) if I get fed up with an uninspiring kitchen and hungry kids...50 cents a piece is nothing!

  2. Yes ma'am. Go to my blog ( and in the sidebar is a pumpkin-colored ad. Click on the ad and there are $1 off coupons for Bagelfuls! Print as many as you can - it will tell you when you hit your limit. Then go to another computer and do it again. ;)

  3. If you hit your max, Kerrie, let me know and I can print some off and mail them to you.


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