Friday, October 10, 2008

Aron + Kerrie = Love Forever

Today I have been married to Aron for 10 years. We met on July 20, 1995. My friend from work, Anita, was dating Aron’s friend Dave. Aron’s car was in the shop so he was crashing at Dave’s so he could get a ride to work in the morning. I was hanging out at Dave’s with a guy I was seeing non-seriously. He was a jerk, as I had a tendency to date before I met Aron.

Aron was double-dipping his chip in salsa and I gave him s**t about it. I was a big TV watcher (shocker!) and was proud of my Seinfeld reference. He looked at me like I was the supreme b**** of the universe (still does! Just kidding!) and basically ignored me. I didn’t know he didn’t own a TV (and he didn’t the whole 3 years we dated)!

A couple of nights later a bunch of people were going out for Dave’s birthday. Aron and I flirted some, but mostly tried to pretend to ignore each other. Later we split into groups somehow and I got into the group without Aron. He got to go to a dance club and I got to sit in ANOTHER bar listening to some married total schmoe ramble on.

At the end of the night we all took a limo to a hotel. Aron and I sat outside talking and that’s when I found out he went to DeVry and wasn’t just a loser without a car and that he had dreams for his life. Soon 8 or 10 people crammed into one tiny hotel room for the night. Aron and I ended up sleeping on the floor next to each other. I got us rolled-up towels for pillows. He was a perfect gentleman.

The next morning we happened to ride together back to where my car was parked in the city, then I took him to my apartment for lunch, to his apartment to get ready for work, and then to his work as a cook. He couldn’t believe I was being so nice to him. We traded phone numbers. Later I went to his work to show him the pictures from the night before. We agreed to go out the next night dancing.

We almost didn’t connect. I was at my apartment on a Monday night waiting for him to call and say he was coming to pick me up. I had just about considered myself stood up when I decided to call him at work. He thought I was coming to pick him up (his car was in the shop, remember?). I felt so dumb, but happy to go get him.

We had a hard time finding a decent dance club that was open and settled on Perkin’s for some chow. I still tease him that he paid for dinner with a check (we were both SO broke back then!!). I actually stayed the night at his place that night (I can’t believe I was so forward!) and we didn’t even have our first kiss until the next day. Again, he was a gentleman … none of that hanky panky stuff!!!

A couple of weeks later I told him I loved him, and he told me the next day after we saw A Walk in the Clouds at the movie theatre. We clicked from the start, and it was always comfortable. We always said we wanted to have more than 1 kid but less than 6. We shall see.

Glock, I would marry you all over again … if we had the time!

Dave and Anita got married the same day we did.


  1. Awwwww what a lovely story.

    There can be a happy ever after!

    Congratulations on the 10years!

  2. That IS a fabulous story, thanks for sharing!

    I'm always surprised to hear the stories of how couples met and fell in's rarely the fairy tale story little girls hear when they're growing up. It's usually stories like yours, where you kind of bump into the guy a couple times and almost don't get together...THAT is true love!!

    Happy 10 years, I still remember your wedding and the partay after. It was a beautiful day, that day, and today is the same!

    Love you guys...


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