Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Your Guide to Home Maintenance: A Checklist for Every Season

 No one likes to deal with repairs, but they are a necessary part of life. Whether you're a new homeowner or have been living in your home for years, it's essential to develop a routine maintenance checklist and stick to it. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the different types of maintenance that need to be carried out regularly, as well as tips on staying organized and keeping track of everything. Let's get started!

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

Understanding Home Maintenance

There are two main types of home maintenance: routine and preventative. Routine maintenance, as the name implies, is a regular task that needs to be carried out regularly (usually annually or biannually) to keep your house in good condition. This can include checking the roof for any damage, cleaning gutters and drains, inspecting exterior walls for signs of wear and tear, testing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, etc.

Preventative maintenance is a bit more involved—it's about taking proactive measures to reduce the chances of significant repairs down the line. These tasks might include changing air filters regularly, replacing plumbing fixtures that have become worn out over time, replacing old windows with energy-efficient ones, and much more. Unfortunately, home plumbing typically gives more issues than anything else in and around a house. So, having a plumber in your back pocket is always a good idea, and Cathedral Plumbing is one plumbing company that will never disappoint you.

Year-Round Home Maintenance Tasks

Regular home maintenance tasks should be completed all year round to keep your house in good condition. Some examples of general tasks include cleaning gutters and downspouts, draining hoses from outdoor faucets, inspecting the roof for signs of wear and tear, checking windows and doors for proper operation, testing smoke detectors, and servicing the HVAC system. In addition to these tasks, you should also be mindful of landscaping needs such as pruning trees or trimming hedges.

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

In springtime, several maintenance items need attention, including cleaning gutters and downspouts, inspecting your roof for any shingle damage or loose flashing, and checking window seals and caulking where needed to prevent drafts and water leaks. Additionally, it's essential to address outdoor projects such as cleaning decks or patios and power washing siding. Also, inspect the foundation around your house for cracks or loose material.

Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

During the summer months, it's essential to check your air conditioning system, inspect and clean outdoor faucets, and trim any overgrown trees or shrubs that may be obstructing pathways. You should also check any decks or stairs for signs of splintering wood, inspect the roof for missing shingles or damaged flashing, and replace filters on windows and doors as needed.

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

As autumn approaches, it's time to focus on tasks that can help prepare your property for cooler weather, such as inspecting window seals and caulking where needed to prevent drafts, cleaning out gutters and downspouts, and trimming trees and shrubs away from home. Additionally, it's crucial to check window screens for rips or tears and inspect your roof once again for any signs of damage.

Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

In wintertime, some tasks that may need attention include cleaning gutters and downspouts; inspecting the foundation around your house for cracks or loose material; checking door seals and caulking where needed; testing smoke detectors; replacing furnace filters; and servicing the HVAC system if necessary. It's also important to keep an eye on outdoor faucets for freezing temperatures since water can expand within frozen pipes, causing them to burst. Additionally, you should check window seals and screens for rips and tears.

Following these regular home maintenance tasks throughout the year ensures that your property remains in good condition and any potential issues are addressed before they become serious problems. Doing this will also help save money over time by avoiding costly repairs or replacements in the future. Additionally, make sure to contact qualified professionals if a task requires more specialized knowledge. Doing so can provide peace of mind knowing that the job was done correctly and efficiently.

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