Friday, November 19, 2021

How To Obtain Services When You're Homeless


Image by Q K from Pixabay 

On any given night, over 550,000 individuals in the U.S. experience homelessness. This is due to any number of conditions. No matter what the situation, they require assistance to get their lives back in order. 

Even though many of these people and families feel they're alone, numerous agencies are available to help them. Here are a few options to obtain services when you're homeless.

Cell Phones

A cell phone is extremely critical for those without a home. It goes beyond social media and games. A cell phone is used to get a job and receive calls related to SNAP, TANF, and other support mechanisms. 

Without funds, it's hard to maintain minimal service, let alone get a phone. Luckily, a cell phone assistance program Oklahoma-based exists to help. Those who own a mobile device can apply to receive unlimited text, talk, and data through the federal Emergency Broadcast Benefit (EBB) program. Additionally, some companies provide low or no-cost phones to homeless parties.


A regular source of food is equally as important as a safe place to sleep. State and local governments realized this during the peak of the pandemic. This is why they increased funding to both their food banks and the SNAP program.

Although some of the coronavirus-based money is gone, agencies are still helping homeless individuals find options for nutrition. This could be a mission that serves hot meals, rapid SNAP certification, or extended food bank hours. On top of this, most food and beverages are now accepted by SNAP.


Sadly, missions and other shelters are experiencing maximum capacity even as the economy strengthens. This doesn't mean you shouldn't apply to these spaces. On the contrary, putting your name in their databases signals your requirements for a room or apartment. In the end, don't take any time to spend in a warm area for granted. 

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