Monday, March 8, 2021

3 Benefits of Adding Pool Enclosures

Did your new home come with a pool or did you just get a pool installed? Have you considered enclosing it? There are many benefits of Florida pool enclosures. Here are three of the top ones you should know. 

1. Security (A Bigger Concern Than You May Realize)

When it comes to your pool, you want to keep a variety of things out, including people, bugs, dirt, leaves, and more. Don’t let your hard maintenance work go to waste! When you enclose your pool area, you are preventing any unwanted visitors from taking a dip while keeping your pool clean. The more secure your pool, the more time you have to enjoy it! 

2. Protection From the Sun

While you may enjoy sunbathing at your pool, it is important to remember that the sun can damage your skin. When you have a pool enclosure, it can help block the rays from directly affecting your skin. Keep in mind that you should always wear sunscreen whenever you are in the pool. A pool enclosure can’t stop all the sun’s UV rays, but it can act as a buffer. 

3. More Time to Swim

Although the weather may stay warm for most of the year in certain climates, there can be some chilly days (who wants to swim when it’s cold or rainy?).  When you have an enclosed pool, you can enjoy swimming whenever you want! Pool enclosures (in combination with a heater) help keep your pool warm while blocking the rain from coming in. 

Final Thoughts

Pool enclosures offer many benefits for homeowners. If you are ready to keep your pool secure, your skin protected, and have more time to swim, now is the perfect opportunity to enclose your pool!