Monday, October 12, 2020

Easy Ways To Get Your Home Winter Ready

 It won’t be long until we start to get the first proper frost of the year. This means we need ot start getting our homes ready for the colder weather. 

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

Rain, wind, and snow can seriously damage our homes, however, a little bit of care and attention can help you to stop some of the costs, or at least reduce them. 

Whether you live in a flat, or a house in the country, there are some easy ways you can get your home ready for the winter, let’s have a look at some of them below: 

Look At Your Outdoor Lighting

As the days start to get shorter, you need to ensure the outside of your home is well-lit. Check that all of the bulbs are working, or even change the style to decorate your doorway. 

Check Your Heating

We use out heating the most during the winter, therefore arranging heating and cooling repairs before the winter sets in is important. If you’re planning on going away, it’s also wise to keep your heating on a timer, this way you are looking after your pipes and preventing them from freezing and getting damaged. You should also think about getting your boiler serviced, it’s recommended to do this every 12 months, so make sure it’s on your list. 

Get All Your Winter Essentials

You don’t need to wait until the first frost to realize you’ve lost your snow shovel, de-icer for the car, or salt for your walkways. Make sure you get the winter essential now and be prepared. 

Clean Your Gutters

Through the autumn your gutters get clogged with debris that can lead to you having leaks and, in turn, damage to your room or dangerous, slippery walkways. Make sure you clear the gutters before the winter hits so you can keep your home dry and warm. You should also make sure you check your roof at the same time. If there are any damaged tiles have them replaced, this is going to be easier and cheaper than needing a replacement roof. 

Check The Trees Around Your Home

Inspect trees around your house, you should be looking out for any branches that could break, are too close to powerlines, or near your roof. If we have bad weather and high winds, these could be dangerous and need to be tackled before they become a problem. 

Prepare Your Windows And Doors 

Make sure all your windows and doors are insulated properly in order to prevent cold air from sneaking in. Repair any cracked windows, fix the seals and caulking, and make sure you stop and repair any drafts. You may want to consider replacing or upgrading your blinds and curtains. 

Swap Out Your Bedding

It’s time to put away the summer duvet and bring out the cozy winter-weighted duvet clever. Get out your cuddly throws and comfy cushions and get warm for the long winter evenings. 

These are just some of the easy things you can do to get your home ready for the winter. What are you planning on doing to get your home ready? Please leave some ideas in the comments section. 

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