Wednesday, August 26, 2020

10 Signs You Need To See A Doctor

 If there is one thing that most adults have in common, it’s that we ignore our body when it's telling us to get some help. We push our exhaustion out of the way and stay up as late as possible. We keep working despite needing to pee or take a drink of water - because we are busy and we need to keep going. It’s a bad thing that we do here, as we also know that when there is a serious issue, it can be helped if caught! We’re not very smart when it comes to our health.

It doesn't matter what the situation is, if we’re not paying any attention to the signs our bodies are giving us, we will take a lot longer to heal when we finally do get help. If you couldn't see, you would get your glasses sorted by the optician. If you were struggling to hear and your hearing aids were busted, you would do what you can to fix your hearing aids. So, why doesn't your body matter as much? Why would you let yourself get so hungry you’d have a headache? Sometimes, you need a nudge, and we’ve got ten clear signs that you should get to the doctor and not ignore what you’re feeling.

Blue and Silver Stetoscope

Image Source: Pexels

  1. You’re Dealing With Fever. You may get a fever from time to time, but if the fever is lasting for days on end, you need to get some help. Fevers indicate the boy is trying to fight something, and persistence in that fever means that you are dealing with something bigger.

  2. The Cold Just Won’t Go. Coronavirus has made everyone paranoid about every sneeze lately, but if you are noticing that you have a cough that is lasting for weeks, or a cold that won’t go, you need to ask why it’s happening. You could have the flu, you could have pneumonia. You could even have coronavirus! You need a doctor and if you can’t keep down fluids, you need to get an IV to keep you hydrated.

  3. The Weight’s Falling Off. Mostly, this is a good thing if it’s intentional. However, if you have noticed that you are losing significant weight and you’re not trying to, then that’s a problem. You shouldn't be dropping weight too quickly and if you are dropping kilos too fast, you need to check whether there’s an underlying reason.

  4. You Can’t Catch A Breath. If you’re exerting yourself and your breath is short, then that’s normal. If you’re trying to stand up and you can’t catch a breath, you need to get some help. They can be symptomatic of asthma, bronchitis and even anemia.

  5. Chest Pain, Anyone? You should never have to handle abnormal chest pain, and it’s usually the first thing that a doctor will send you to hospital for as it can mean a heart attack. Of course, chest pain can be muscular, but that doesn't mean that yours is!

  6. There’s Blood In Your Pee (Or Poop). Bloody or black stools, blood in your wee and changes to your movements need investigation. Bowel cancers and urinary tract infections are common enough that you should be aware of the symptoms. Any blood should be checked out right away, and consultation with your doctor is a must.

  7. You See Flashing Lights. You should know that any flashing lights in front of your eyes are going to interrupt your vision, so you need to know that they are an indicator of migraines or other issues in the brain. If you’re seeing lights but you don't have pain, get some help from the doctor!

  8. You’re Dizzy - A Lot. Your hearing aids may be a fixture because you are having balance issues or issues with tinnitus, but any prolonged dizziness needs to be looked into by a professional. Everything from vertigo to brain tumors are behind dizziness, or it could be as simple as anemia! Either way, you can’t just guess. Ask your doctor for help and they can advise you.

  9. You’ve Banged Your Head. Bumping your head as an adult is not as common as when you’re a child, and you should monitor whether you have a concussion if you bang it. Headaches, difficulty concentrating, mood and sleep changes can all indicate a concussion.

  10. Side Effects. If you are taking any medication, keeping an eye out for side effects is important. Monitoring for these is going to be a big part of knowing why you are dealing with unexplained symptoms.

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