Thursday, July 23, 2020

Staying Ahead Of Your Allergies As The Pollen Count Keeps Rising

Spring might be done and dusted by now, but that doesn’t mean that those of us who live with
hay fever are likely to find solace any time soon. The pollen count is still rising for a lot of us as
summer goes on and, for that reason, we’re going to look at tips to help you manage both your
exposure and the symptoms that come in a natural way.

Keep pollen out of the home
You likely already know that you shouldn’t be going outside of the home too much at times of the day
when the pollen count is particularly high. However, you should also beware of the pollen that you
might bring in the home with you. Keep pollen out of the home by ensuring you change clothes and
shower when you get inside and start allergy-proofing your house.

Wear a mask when you get outside
A lot of us have been learning the benefits of wearing a mask for other reasons, nowadays. However,
even if you’re not likely to be in contact with other people when you head outside, then you should
still look at the potential of using an N95 respirator mask. While there were shortages for a while,
they have become a lot more widely available at drugstores and medical supply outlets and will
block the vast majority of external particles.

Wash your sinuses out
If one of your biggest symptoms is that your nose and sinuses get all blocked up and high-pressure,
then you should take care to not only protect them but to rinse them out as well. Nasal rinse devices
like a neti pot can be a great help. You don’t need any particular kind of special rinse either, a
simple mix of iodide-free salt, baking soda, and cooled water will be enough for the rinse you need.

Getting hands-on
Though you might not think so, some allergy relief can be found by manipulating the body itself. For
instance, some people find a chiropractor can help ease their symptoms. This is due to the fact that
chiropractic care can correct the response of the central nervous system, which can include helping
the immune system work as it’s supposed to. Since allergies are caused by an overactive immune
system, the hands-on approach can help you quell that response.

A good diet always helps
It seems like catch-all advice that can apply to just about any chronic health issue. However, the
simple fact is that, yes, changing your diet can help you suffer fewer allergy symptoms. In particular,
your anti-allergy diet should include more apples, oranges, grapes, and tomatoes, as each of them
has been specifically linked to a reduction in the impact of an allergic reaction, even if the link isn’t
fully understood just yet.

Of course, aside from the natural relief against allergies mentioned above, you should talk to your
doctor about medical solutions if you haven’t. There are plenty of over-the-counter allergy medications
you can buy, as well as stronger options that you can get on prescription.

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